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Foraging in Oxfordshire
Foraging in Oxfordshire
Over the last year we have been foraging and wild cooking in our beautiful woodland in Oxfordshire, near Reading. We have been working with the lovely Justine Gens- an expert forager and all round inspiration. Foraged items have included trooping funnel mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, honey fungi, rosehips, ground ivy and chicken of the woods. Here are some photos of the delicious things we have found and cooked.

As delicious as medicinal. Packed with Vitamin C, rosehips are a potent antiviral with immune boosting properties.
The trooping funnel
Clitocybe geotropa. Out and about, unmissable, comes in absolute troops hence the name. This guy is a great edible to be found around in December.
Porcini mushrooms
Porcinis are amongst the tastier mushrooms out there